ORANGE HAIRED NOBBED OGRE 13 February 2025 President (Hardly) Oh NO! Which is the acronym for the Orange Haired Nobbed Ogre! by Namaya Art Rat Peace
ORANGE HAIRED NOBBED OGRE 13 February 2025 President (Hardly) Oh NO! Which is the acronym for the Orange Haired Nobbed Ogre! by Namaya Art Rat Peace
4 July 2024 Thursday in Turku: Finland Addresses the Homeless Issue by providing homes to everyone. I am grateful NOT to be in the USA on the 4th of July. These are shameful days in US history with the decision of SCOTUS that POTUS can do whatever he wants and is immune from prosecution. According …
The despicable Palestinians have continued to seize more and more land from the Israelis. In their voracious hunger they continue to take over more and more of the old City of Jerusalem. Like when they won the war in 1967, they destroyed the entire community in Jerusalem over 400,000 Jews who were displaced within three …